Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement

Central to the development of school policy and curriculum is communication between parents, our community and the school.  Parents' views are sought through School Board Representatives and the Parents and Citizens' Association.

To obtain information about your child, you can make an appointment to speak with:

  • your child's teacher
  • Executive Teachers
  • Deputy Principals
  • The Principal

To obtain information about the school you can:

  • contact the Front Office
  • speak to your child's teacher
  • speak to Executive Teachers, Deputy Principals or the Principal
  • attend P & C meetings
  • attend a School Board meeting
  • ensure that your child brings you a copy of the Ngunnawal Primary School Newsletter or arrange for it to be sent via email

Parents are always welcome at the school, and by arrangement, are invited to:

  • discuss their child's academic or social progress with their child's teachers
  • connect with our Early Years Engagement Partner to discuss how she can support your connections with the school and or outside agencies assist in various activities
  • assist at the school canteen or library
  • become an active member of the P&C Association or School Board
  • present talks to classes on their profession, job or culture

Ways to become involved in the life of your child's school are only limited by your imagination.  Whatever you do, join in and do something!  This will be of great benefit to not only the school, but to your child, your family and to you.

Friday Week 1 Open Morning

Once our students have had a few days to become familiar with their classrooms, we are inviting families and friends of children in Kindergarten to Year 6 into school on Friday morning between 9am and 10.30am. This gives our families an opportunity to be familiar with the space after a frantic day 1.