Student Welfare PBL

A culture of learning through Positive Behaviours for Learning

At Ngunnawal Primary School, we believe in our shared values of show your caring, honest, always do your best, respect and responsibility, what you give comes back to you. Through our shared values linking with PBL expectations. We promote expectations of be safe, be respectful and be a responsible learner. Our mascot names are indigenous words for lizards from the Wiradjuri, Ngunnawal and Yuen nations.

Our whole school expectations are:

We are Safe

We are Respectful

We are Responsible Learners

All classes will establish classroom expectations and routines consistent with PBL.

The NPS Incentive Program ‘Yunggi Bengal’ means to give back. Students are recognised for positive behaviour you can give a ‘Yunggi Bengal’ token.

NPS Wellbeing Framework

Refer to our wellbeing guide for further detail.

Disability Education and School Psychologist

ACT public schools are committed to meeting the needs of students with a disability. In partnership with the student, parents, carers and other professionals, we make reasonable adjustments for students with disability at the time of their enrolment and during the course of their education, supporting them to access and participate in the school curriculum, programs and activities on the same basis as their peers.

Students with special needs at Ngunnawal Primary School have a variety of support that ensures they have full access to curriculum and facilities. Support is coordinated by Ngunnawal Primary School Disability Education Coordinator (DECO) Vernetta Rolls in consultation with all appropriate personnel.

The DECO is also responsible for ensuring that the school is implementing and complying with the Students with a Disability Meeting their Educational Needs Policy

The wellbeing team at Ngunnawal Primary School consists of:

DECO – Vernetta Rolls

School Psychologist – Amy Rugendyke

Principal – Rebecca Turner

Deputy Principals – Arilia Abel (P-2) and Arianna Cansdell (3-6)

Individual Learning Plan process

All students with special needs or any students who are utilising an adjusted program require an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). The ILP outlines specific long and short-term goals agreed upon by the classroom teacher in conference with the parent/carer.

The four focus areas of an ILP are;

The ILP process runs throughout the year and is a working document. All ILPs will be written on and stored in Sentral, our online administration system.

Term 1

Term 2

Terms 3 and 4

ILPs can be reviewed at any time if requested by any member of the team.