Home School Partnerships - what's the best way to get in touch with a teacher?

Our preferred method of communication is email.

Teacher’s email addresses use the following structure: firstname.lastname@ed.act.edu.au

We encourage you to include the school leader for the area who can provide support if required.

We are committed to providing an initial response within 2 working days.

Other communication forms such as face to face meetings and phone calls are welcome to be  arrange

Communicating concerns and reporting incidents

Many concerns are resolved quickly and easily by discussing the matter directly with the school.  Families are welcome to talk through concerns with their child’s class teacher, the team leader or the school’s executive team. If you continue to be concerned please make an appointment to speak to the principal. Parents are always welcome to make an appointment to discuss any concerns with the school principal.

Front Office Assistance: 61421500

General Enquiries: info@ngunnawalps.act.edu.au

General enquires will be past to the relevant staff member.